Terms and Conditions

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All text, images, audio and video clips, and other content on this website is the property of the Genocide Archive of Rwanda. Copyrights and other proprietary rights may also be owned by individuals and entities other than, or in addition to, the Archive. The Genocide Archive of Rwanda expressly prohibits the copying of any protected materials on this website, except for the purposes of fair use as described below.

The Genocide Archive of Rwanda allows personal, educational, and other noncommercial uses of our online content on the following terms:

  • Users must cite the author and source of the content as they would material from any printed work.

  • Users must also cite and link to, when possible, the Genocide Archive of Rwanda website as the source of the content.

  • None of the content may be altered or modified.

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  • Users must comply with all other terms or restrictions which may be applicable to the individual file, image or text.

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The Genocide Archive of Rwanda endeavors to provide information that it possesses about the copyright status of the content and to

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In order to reduce the risk to rights-holders, all potentially in-copyright material that we have digitised and put online is made available under a non-commercial licence. Furthermore, all of our online collections are subject to a takedown policy. If we are contacted by a potential rights-holder we will remove the material in question from our website until we have been able to evaluate the case, and if appropriate we will ensure that the material is removed temporarily or permanently from our website. This also applies to cases in which rights-holders who have previously given permission wish to retract it for any reason.

If you have specific questions about the content found on this website, or wish to contact us about the removal of certain material, please send an email to the following address:

Paul Rukesha

Research, Documentation and Policy Engagement Manager
