Read through several documents specifying judgments and sentences rendered by the ICTR to persons guilty of genocide crimes in Rwanda.
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Ignace Bagilishema Appeals Chamber Judgement of 3 July 2002
This document contains the judgment in the case of Ignace Bagilishema accused of genocide crimes.
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Ignace Bagilishema Trial Judgments of 7 June 2001 Part 1
This document contains the Judgment in the case of Ignace Bagilishema accused of genocide crimes.
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Ignace Bagilishema Trial Judgments of 7 June 2001 Part 2
This document contains the Judgment in the case of Ignace Bagilishema accused genocide crimes.
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Ildephonse Hategekimana Appeals Chamber Judgments of 8 May 2012
This document contains the judgment in the case of Ildephonse Hategekimana accused of genocide and crimes against humanity and he was sentenced to life imprisonment.
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Jean Paul Akayesu Appeals Chamber Judgments of 1 June 2001
The Judgment in the case of Jean Paul Akayesu accused of genocide crimes and he sentenced to life imprisonment
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Jean Paul Akayesu Trial Judgement of 2 September 1998
This document contains the Judgment in the case of Jean Paul Akayesu accused of genocide crimes and he was sentenced to life imprisonment.
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Jugement de Capitaine Isidore Bwanakweri
Ce document contient le jugement dans l'affaire de Capitaine Isidore Bwanakweli qui est accusé du crime de génocide et des crimes contre l'humanité et il a ete condamne a la peine de mort. This document contains the judgment of Capitaine Isidore Bwanakweli trial who was accused of genocide and crimes against humanity and he was given the death penalty.
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Jugement de Eustache Dusabeyezu
Ce document contient le jugement dans l'affaire Eustache Dusabeyezu qui est accusé du crime de génocide et des crimes contre l'humanité, le jugement qui a été rendu mais fortement contestépar l'avocat de defense. This document contains the judgment of Dusabeyezu Eustache trial who was accused of genocide and crimes against humanity, the judgment was made but strongly disagreed by the defense lawyer.
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Jugement de Major Anne Marie Nyirahakizimana
Ce document contient le jugement dans l'affaire de Major Anne Marie Nyirahakizimana et Pasteur Athanase Ngirinshuti accusés du crime de génocide et des crimes contre l'humanité et ils ont été condamné à la peine de mort. This document contains the judgment in the case of Major Anne Marie Nyirahakizimana and Pastor Athanase Ngirinshuti accused of genocide and crimes against humanity, and they were sentenced to death.
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Justin Mugenzi and Prosper Mugiraneza Appeals Chamber Judgment of 4 February 2013
This document contains the Judgment in the case of Justin Mugenzi and Prosper Mugiraneza accused of genocide crimes and They were acquitted.
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Michel Bagaragaza Trial Judgements of 17 November 2009-Sentencing Judgement
The judgment in the case of Michel Bagaragaza accused of genocide crimes and he was sentenced to 8 years in jail.
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Paul Bisengimana Trial Judgment of 13 April 2006
The Judgment in the case of Paul Bisengimana accused of genocide crimes sentenced to 15 years imprisonment.
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Paul Bisengimana Trial Judgment of 20 April 2006
This document contains the judgment i the case of Paul Bisengimana accused of genocide crimes and he was sentenced to 15 years imprisonment.
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Simon Bikindi Appeals Chamber Judgment of 18 March 2010
This document contains the Judgment in the case of Simon Bikindi accused of genocide crimes
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Simon Bikindi Trial Judgment of 2 December 2008
This document contains the Judgment in the case of Simon Bikindi accused of genocide crimes
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Theoneste Bagosora Appeals Chamber Judgments of 8 May 2012
This document contains the Judgment in the case of Theoneste Bagosora, and he was sentenced to 35 years of imprisonment.
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