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Liberation: La victoire d’une armée de réfugiés
An article published by the newspaper "Libération" on 5 July 1994, in which Alain Frilet talks about the victory of the RPF, arising from the struggle of Tutsi refugees .
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Liberation: La vraie-fausse boîte noire du Rwanda
An article published by the newspaper "Liberation" on 9 June 2004, in which Christophe Ayad said that the black box found in March at the United Nations is not that of Habyarimana's plane.
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Liberation: Le FPR peine à relever Butare
An article in which Jean Hatzeld said that the new government is trying to restore trust in the town of Butare, abandoned by two-thirds of its inhabitants six weeks after its capture.
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Liberation: Le HCR demande à la France de rester
An article in which Guy Benhamou talks about the suggestion by Sadako Ogata, leader of the UNHCR, who wished that France stays on site to support the humanitarian action and stabilise the situation on the borders of Rwanda.
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Liberation: Le Premier Ministre pressenti est à Kigali
An article published by the newspaper "Libération" on 15 July 1994, about the arrival in Kigali of Twagiramungu, Prime Minister foreseen by the RPF, to form a national union government.
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Liberation: Le Rwanda au coeur du sommet africain
An article in which Stephen Smith says that the African Union members met in Tunis with the Rwandan government, the rebels, as well as Zaire and Uganda who could serve as mediators, to try to bring them together.
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Liberation: Le Rwanda, lopin de folie
An article in which Jacques Nanema talks about the dreadful situation in Kigali that he calls "patch of insanity," given the extent and cruelty of massacres perpetrated there.
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Liberation: Le cholera fauche les réfugiés du Rwanda
An article in which Guy Benhamou talks about the "cholera" scourge that appeared around Goma and threatens the refugees of Rwanda.
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Liberation: Le nettoyage ethnique continue dans les montagnes Rwandaises
An article talking about the reconnaissance mission of French military in Bisesero, during which they discovered groups of Tutsi hiding, as they were hunted by the Hutu militias.
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Liberation: Le piège se referme sur les soldats français
An article published by the newspaper "Liberation" on 4 July 1994, in which Jacques Amalric and Jean Guisnel say that the limits and ambiguities of the Operation Turquoise have come to light, while no country seems willing to assist France in Rwanda.
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Liberation: Le retour vers l’inconnu des réfugiés rwandais
An article in which Marc Semo talks about the return to the country of Rwandan refugees, fleeing cholera, and the RPF, that tries to reassure those who advance with uncertainty.
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Liberation: Les Nations Unies réclament l’arrêt des combats au Rwanda
An article in which it is told that the High Commissioner of the United Nations for Human Rights in Rwanda called for the cessation of fighting, following the death of almost 200,000 innocent people.
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Liberation: Les bombardements continuent dans la capitale rwandaise
An article published by the newspaper "Liberation" on 20 April 1994, in which the story is told that, at least 25 civilians who had taken refuge in a stadium located in Kigali were killed and about 60 injured, during a bombardment launched by the government forces.
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Liberation: Les combats se sont étendus à l’ensemble du Rwanda
An article talking about the intense fighting in Rwanda, series of gun shots in the capital Kigali, rebels who had seized the town of Byumba in the north, and the dramatic situation in Butare in the south of the country.
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Liberation: Les combats à l’arme lourde se poursuivent à Kigali
An article talking about the fighting with heavy artillery that continues in Kigali between the Government forces and the RPF, and that the airport has been attacked with mortar, while the French and Belgian troops were still there, preparing for evacuation.
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Liberation: Les crises africaines et leurs soldats
An article published in the newspaper "Libération" on April 25 1994, in which Hassan BA talks about problems and conflicts in Africa in general, and massacres in Rwanda in particular.
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Liberation: Les léçons du Rwanda
An article claiming that lessons learned from the Rwanda massacres deserve reflection, according to Wole Soyinka, a Nigerian writer.
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Liberation: Les mystères de Goma, refuge zaïrois des tueurs rwandais
An article talking about the Rwandan ministers, thousands of Hutu, including the killers, who sought refuge in Goma, Zaire.
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Liberation: Les négociations de paix sur le Rwanda ont été annulées
An article in which Alain Frilet talks about peace talks between the Rwandan government and the RPF that did not take place because of the absence of the Rwandan government delegation.
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Liberation: Les premières négociations s’engagent à Kigali
An article in which Christophe Boisbouvier talks about a meeting organized by the United Nations between the warring parties, namely the government forces and the RPF, while they sink into street fighting.
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Liberation: Les raisons d’un revirement français II
An article in which Jacques Amalric talks about the French intervention project in Rwanda that raised many questions, given that they had decided to withdraw their contingent after the evacuation of Westerners.
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Liberation: Les raisons d’un revirement français I
An article published by the newspaper "Liberation" on 22 June 1994, in which Jacques Almaric talks about the apathy of France in the Rwanda tragedy.
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Liberation: Les rebelles aux portes de Kigali
An article published by the newspaper "Liberation", referring to the intensification of fighting after the arrival in the Kigali suburbs of some 4,000 RPF reinforcement troops, ready to launch the assault on the capital to fight the interim power called "government of murderers".
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Liberation: Les rebelles s’arretent aux portes de Kigali
An article about an immediate cease-fire by the RPF and the return to the negotiating table in Arusha, Tanzania, while they seemed about to take the capital.
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Liberation: Les soldats d’élite au service de l’humanitaire au Rwanda I
An article published by the newspaper "Liberation", in which Dominique Garraud said that French special forces identify daily movements of refugees, as part of the Operation Turquoise.
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Liberation: Libération 1995-5-19 Marc Vaiter
An article talking about a modest orphanage located on a hill of Kigali, which became the inescapable stage of any official visit, humanitarian mission or international delegation, and in which the entire press keep circulating.
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Liberation: L’ONU propose l’élargissement de sa mission au Rwanda
An article talking about Boutros Ghali who proposed the expansion of the UN mission in Rwanda to the United Nations Security Council.
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Liberation: L’ONU réduit sa mission d’assistance à Kigali
An article published by the newspaper "Liberation" on 24 April 1994, in which Alain Frilet said that the United Nations Security Council unanimously adopted a resolution to reduce its assistance mission in Kigali.
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Liberation: L’ONU suspend l’évacuation des civils rwandais à Kigali
An article published by the newspaper "Libération", about the suspension of the evacuation of Rwandan civilians in Kigali, following the death of a UN peacekeeper.
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Liberation: L’OUA ou la chronique d’un échec
An article in which Mktar Gaouad says that the African Union withdrew during the genocide in Rwanda, as every time.
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Liberation: L’ancien président rwandais aurait été tué par des hutus
An article in which it is said that, after two fact-finding missions in Rwanda and in neighbouring countries, the UN experts Commission, composed of three African lawyers and chaired by the Togolese Atsu-Kofi Amega, issued its report.
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Liberation: L’armée Française accusée d’aider les forces Rwandaises
An article talking about a spokesperson of the African Union, quoted by Reuter, who accused the French troops of taking part in the fighting alongside the Rwandan government army, and of bombing rebel positions in southern Ruhengeri.
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Liberation: L’armée française mal venue au Rwanda
An article in which Stephen Smith said that the French are considered as hostile forces by the RPF, as they prepare to intervene in Rwanda.
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Liberation: L’armée rwandaise se refait une santé à Goma
An article in which it was said that soldiers of the FAR, officially disarmed, were grouped near the refugee camps, of which they divert humanitarian aid.
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Liberation: L’impossible mission militaro-humanitaire
An article in which Stephen Smith and Jean Guisnel talk about the hide and seek identity game by French soldiers in an operation that, according to the government, is a matter of pure humanitarian, and about the disarmament of any person with weapons in the humanitarian area .
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Liberation: L’improbable procès des soldats de Turquoise au Rwanda
An article in which it was said that the investigating magistrate to the armies Brigitte Raynaud, decided to go against the prosecutor Jacques Baillet by declaring admissible the four complaints accusing the French army of complicity to genocide perpetrated in Rwanda in 1994 that she had rejected, as she was considering them unsubstantiated.
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Liberation: L’influence des religieux au Rwanda
An article in which it was said that the world is wondering why the killings took place in Rwanda, while it is a country that has been steered since the beginning of the century by religious missions of all obediences, and that has become, over time , the darling of charity organisations.
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Liberation: L’intervention française attend le vote de l’ONU
An article in which Frédéric FILLOUX says that France is awaiting approval by the UN of her draft resolution for a military-humanitarian intervention in Rwanda.
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Liberation: L’opération turquoise laisse des bleus à l’armée
An article in which Guy Benhamou said that some French officers, unable to restrain the humanitarian disaster, denounce the ambiguities of their mission in Rwanda.
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Liberation: MSF dénonce la politique française au Rwanda
An article published by the newspaper "Liberation" on 17 May 1994, in which Alain Frilet talks about the spokesperson of “Médecins Sans Frontière”, who suspected the overwhelming responsibility of France in the Rwandan tragedy, accusing Paris of arming, equipping and training the government forces responsible for the killings.
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