Read through various statements released by national and international agencies, touching on the socio-political crisis in Rwanda before, during, and after the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi. These were delivered between members of the interim government, opposition parties, the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) and individual nation states.
Journals Magazines Dissertations Correspondences Press Releases Official Communiques Declassified Files Newspapers Audio Transcripts ICTR Documents
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Arusha - Déclaration De Dar es Salaam Sur Le Problème Des Réfugiés
An appendix on the conference held in Tanzania gathering, involving four presidents of the Great Lakes region, invited by the Tanzanian president, Ali Hassan Mwinyi; Reports presented by the concerned heads of state were about different issues in Rwanda, but in particular, problem of Rwandan refugees in the region. Une annexe sur la conférence tenue en Tanzanie réunissant 4 présidents de la région des Grands Lacs sous l'invitation du président Tanzanien, Ali Hassan Mwinyi. Les rapports présentés par les chefs d'états concernés étaient à propos de différent problèmes intervenus au Rwanda, mais en particulier, le problème des réfugiés Rwandais dans la région.
Communique Emanant Du Ministere De La Defense
An official statement from the Ministry of Defence announcing to the Rwandan population the unexpected death of the Rwandan head of state Major General Juvénal Habyarimana and many other government officials who were aboard the presidential plane. Un communiqué officiel du Ministère de la Defense annonçant à la population rwandaise le décès inopiné du chef d'etat rwandais Général Major Habyarimana Juvénal et beaucoup d'autres membres du gouvernement qui étaient à bord de l'avion présidentiel.
Ijambo Rya General -Major Habyarimana Juvenal.
In an official speech, Juvénal Habyarimana denounces the Accords which had just been signed at Arusha. Ijambo General Major Juvénal Habyarimana yavuze ku bijyanye n’amasezerano y’Arusha yari amaze gusinywa.
Itangazo No 24 Rya Rezida Special W' U Rwanda
Communiqué reminding that Gregoire Kayibanda was once appointed as Prime Minister, and providing the list of the first Rwandan government members.
La Démocratie Ne Survivra Pas Aux Accords D'Arusha.
This document talks about Arusha negotiations. Document qui parle des négociations d'Arusha.
La Note Sur L'Etat D'Esprit Des Militaires Et De La Population Civile Du 27 Juillet 1992.
This note was against the Arusha Accords and describes everything that was going to happen in Rwanda, 1994. This text document talks about a confidential note written by Anatole Nsengiyumva commander in chief of the Rwandan Army Forces.
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Le President Kayibanda Vous Parle.
Collection of speeches and statements by former Rwandan President Grégoire Kayibanda. Collection des discours et des déclarations de l'ancien président Grégoire Kayibanda.
Message Du Premier Ministre à La Nation Le 14 Février 1993
Speech by former Prime Minister, Dismas Nsengiyaremye, delivered in the context of the civil war against the RPF-Inkotanyi. Seven days earlier, RPF-Inkotanyi had breached the ceasefire agreement and made a large-scale attack on the Government army positions.
Motion De Soutien Au Gouvernement Rwandais, Addressée à l'Opinion Publique.
Motion of support for the government of Rwanda, signed by numerous National University of Rwanda (NUR) professors and staff members, written immediately after the invasion of the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF-Inkotanyi) on 1 October 1990. Motion de soutien pour le gouvernement du Rwanda, signée par de nombreux professeurs de l'UNR et les membres du personnel, écrite immédiatement après l'invasion du FPR-Inkotanyi le 1er Octobre de 1990.
Note Sur La Decouverte Des Pertes De Rochefort Finances
The Note intended to show how and why financial losses were revealed and provide evidence that M. Ruset, the President of Caisse Centrale de Reassurance since 1990 and Rochefort, Finances since April 1994, couldn't and shouldn't have been aware. Yet it is this version, that the Conseil de Discipline endorsed at its decision made in December 1995. Note destinée à montrer comment et pourquoi des pertes financières ont été révélées et fournir la preuve que Mr Ruset, le Président de Caisse Centrale de Réassurance depuis 1990 et Rochefort Finances depuis avril 1994, ne pourrait pas et ne devrait pas avoir été au courant. Pourtant, c'est cette version que le Conseil de discipline a approuvé à sa décision prise en Décembre 1995.
ONU - Admission Du Rwanda Et Du Burundi Et La Création Du MINUAR
The Appendix combining admission documents of Rwanda and Burundi to the UN as well as the UN resolution establishing the UNAMIR. Une annexe combinant les documents d'admission du Rwanda et du Burundi à l'ONU ainsi que la résolution onusiènne créant la MINUAR.
Projet De Création D'un Centre Pour La Promotion De La Paix Dans La Région Des Grands Lacs.
. Document including 3 projects that the family of the deceased President Habyarimana was about to create.
Statement by the President of the Security Council
Colin Keating, New Zealand's Ambassador to the United Nations and President of the UN Security Council, reports the deaths of the president in April 1994 and the killing of government officials, civilians, and ten Belgian peacekeepers. He condemns the attacks and urges the Rwandan security forces to put an end to the attacks and to cooperate fully with the United Nations Assistance Mission In Rwanda (UNAMIR).
Talking Points On Rwanda Burundi 11 April 1994
Memorandum showing Pentagon’s assessment of events in Rwanda, which predicts that if the peace process fails, “a massive bloodbath (hundreds of thousands of deaths) will ensue.”
Treaty between the United Kingdom and Belgium regarding the Boundary between Tanganyika and Ruanda- Urundi
This is a treaty between the United Kingdom and Belgium regarding the boundary between Tanganyika and Ruanda- Urundi.