Read through newspapers that were published locally and internationally related to the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda. these feature Rwandan newspapers printed before the genocide and some international newspapers coverage from before and during the genocide: These newspapers cover a range of subjects relating to the genocide, with a focus on propaganda and the implementation of the genocide.
Journals Magazines Dissertations Correspondences Press Releases Official Communiques Declassified Files Newspapers Audio Transcripts ICTR Documents
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Agence France-Presse (AFP)
Agence France-Presse (AFP) is an international news agency headquartered in Paris. It delivers fast accurate, in-depth coverage of events shaping our world from conflicts to politics, sports, entertainment and the latest breakthroughs in health, science, and technology.
Chasse au Congo avec les pygmées (Batwa)
An article published in the "Journal Congolese illustrated" newspaper on the hunt in Congo with pygmies (Batwa).
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A local newspaper that belonged to the opposition (against MRND – CDR), with an objective of denouncing or making known a hidden agenda being prepared by the government.
Kangura was a Kinyarwanda- and French-language magazine in Rwanda that served to stoke ethnic hatred in the run-up to the Genocide Against Tutsi. The magazine was a response to the RPF-sponsored Kanguka, adopting a similar informal style. "Kangura" was a Rwandan word meaning "wake others up", as opposed to "Kanguka", which meant "wake up". The journal was based in Gisenyi, Rwanda.
La Libre Belgique: Mort du Mwami
An article published in the newspaper "La Libre Belgique" announcing the death of Mwami of Rwanda, Mutara III Charles Rudahigwa.
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La Nation Belge: La Belgique Propose la Mise Sous Tutelle du Ruanda - Urundi
An article published in the newspaper "La Nation Belge" on the Belgian proposal to the General Assembly recommending to the Security Council of a trusteeship agreement project with the territory of Ruanda - Urundi.
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La Revue Coloniale Belge: Le Triomphal Voyage du Roi
An article published in the newspaper "La Revue Colonial Belge" on the triumphal visit of Rwandan King in Belgium.
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Le Patriote Illustré: Le Roi Du Ruanda Hôte De La Belgique.
An article published in the newspaper "Le patriote illustré" about the king of Rwanda, Mutara III Charles Rudahigwa, descendent of forty kings of the dynasty Banyiginya, host of Belgium.
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Le Soir Illustré: Visite du Roi Baudoin au Congo et au Ruanda Urundi
An article published in the newspaper "Le Soir illustrated" on the King Baudoin's visit in Congo and Ruanda Urundi.
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Le Verdict No 17
A rwandan newspaper belongs to a non government organisation for human rights "LIPRODHOR". Its publications are on the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi trials.
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Daily newspaper in France, founded in Paris by Jean-Paul Sartre and Serge July in 1973 in the wake of the protest movements of May 1968.
Message Du Président Grégoire Kayibanda Aux Réfugiés Rwandais
A message to the Rwandan refugees by the President Grégoire Kayibanda, published in the newspaper « RWANDA CARREFOUR D’AFRIQUE No 31 March 1964. Un message du Président Grégoire Kayibanda aux réfugiés rwandais, publié en Mars 1964 dans le journal « RWANDA CARREFOUR D’AFRIQUE No 31 ».
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Minority Group Faces Extinction In Africa
This article describes the post-colonial period in Rwanda, and talks about how Tutsi of Rwanda were facing the threat of extermination by Hutu.
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Poverty Taints Rwanda's Beauty
An article talking about Rwanda, sometimes called the Switzerland of Africa, its people, their capital income and lifestyle, as well as the tribal enmity.
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Presse libre et propagande raciste au Rwanda
A collection of articles from “Kangura” newspaper, demonstrating racism propaganda. Un document contenant une collection d’articles du journal Kangura démontrant des propagandes racistes que ce dernier publiait librement au Rwanda.
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Revue Congolaise Illustrée: Danseurs Intore
An article published in the newspaper "Revue Congolaise Illustrée", on the particularity of African dance from the musical point of view. Un article publié dans le journal "Revue Congolaise illustrée " sur la particularité de la danse africaine du point de vue musical.
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Rwanda and Burundi: time of danger for new states
In this article Gavic Young talks about a risk of resurgence of a racial conflict in Rwanda, which had already created more than 100,000 refugees.
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Rwanda army takes control
The story told in this article published on 5 July 1973, is that the Rwanda army took over the government after months of tribal unrest between Hutu and Tutsi.
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TPI pour le Rwandais condamné italo-belge va être transféré en Italie
An article about the transfer of the Italian-Belgian Georges Ruggiu, to Italy, sentenced to 12 years imprisonment by the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) for his role in the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi. Dans cet article, on parle du transfert en Italie de l'Italo-belge Georges Ruggiu, condamné à 12 ans de prison par le Tribunal Pénal International pour le Rwanda (TPIR) pour son rôle dans le génocide perpétré contre les Tutsis en 1994.
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The ex-trust territory of Rwanda-Burundi
In this article, Colin Jackson talks about the people of Rwanda and Burundi, their life and relations from the colonial time to the present.
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The obscure massacre: blood in Central Africa
In this article published on July 3, 1972, C.L Sulzberger talks about the situation in Rwanda and Burundi after the independence, the massacre that was being perpetrated.
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Travellers Speak of Reprisals against Tutsi Tribe
This article is about a story told by British travellers saying that there was a genocide being perpetrated against the Tutsi tribe in Rwanda and that it was supported by President Kayibanda.
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Tuez-Les Tous!
In this article, it is said that genocide has always been an event that has evolved over time, and that France is much more than a passive witness.
UN GENOCIDE SECRET D'ETAT : La France et le Rwanda De Jean Paul Gouteux
This is an article about the beginning of racism mass killings, their progress to the genocide against Tutsi in 1994, as well as French civil and military cooperation with the government that committed genocide. Dans cet article, on parle du commencement des massacres de masse à caractère raciste, de leur progrès jusqu’au génocide perpétré contre les Tutsis en 1994, et de la coopération française civile et militaire avec le gouvernement qui a commis le génocide.
UN Official Denies Mass Suicide Report
An article in which a UN official who visted refugee camps in southwest Uganda denies a report stipulating that 35 Rwandans committed suicide en mass.
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Watusis' Waifs Flee Rwanda
The article talks about Tutsi from Rwanda who were fleeing to Burundi from massacres by the Bahutu.
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