Watch documentary videos related to the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda that were donated by international and local news agencies.

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Britain and the holocaust
Documentary film about Britain's reaction towards the holocaust.
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Dreams of the future
A documentary film on Rwanda's hope for the future after the 1994 genocide against Tutsi that was produced by Aegis Trust.
A film by Duhozanye organisation telling the story of self resilience, rebuilding and healing.
Ghosts of Rwanda
A documentary film on UNAMIR soldiers and peace keepers during the Genocide against Tutsi that was produced by by Greg Barker.
Heart of the matter
A documentary film on the legacy of the Gacaca Courts that was produced by Aegis Trust.
Hope for the future
A documentary film on the 16th commemoration of the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi that was produced by Aegis Trust.
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Hoping for a home
A documentary film produced by Aegis Trust.
A documentary film on road blocks during the Genocide against Tutsi that was produced by by Juan Reina and Eric Kabera.
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Journey to darkness
A documentary film on Genocide against Tutsi, It was shot within Rwanda throughout the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi hat was produced by BBC
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Ndi Umunyarwanda
A documentary film based on the research made by the former Rwandan prime Minister Dr Pierre Damien Habumuremyi on "the Role of politicians in the destruction and construction of Rwanda".
Not on my watch
A documentary film on the 10th commemoration of the genocide against the Tutsi, raising awareness in 2004 that was produced by Aegis Trust
Our Past
A video of young people giving a message of hope that was produced by Aegis Trust.
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Our future lost
A documentary film on memorial to the children murdered in 1994 genocide against the Tutsi that was produced by Aegis Trust.
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Rwanda, A travers nous l'humanité
A documentary film on consequences of the genocide perpetrated against Tutsi that was produced by Marie-France Collard.
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Tomorrow is too late
A documentary film on raising awareness and highlighting the need for the protection of civilians at risk of genocide in Darfur that was produced by Aegis Trust.
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Tuez-les tous!
A documentary film on the genocide against the Tutsi.
Two Hills
A documentary film on people from two neighboring hills coming together and uniting after the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi produced by Aegis Trust.
This documentary film features people who are called "rescuers". There are those who risked their lives during the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi to help and save people from killings and persecution. Their actions are a great lesson of humanity, which is reflected in this film's title.
Women fund
A documentary film on women empowerment after the Genocide against Tutsi that was produced by Aegis Trust.
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Words That Kill
A documentary film on propaganda and genocide denial that was produced by Aegis Trust.
Your way
A documentary Film on preparation and execution of the Genocide of Tutsi that was produced by Aegis Trust.
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