Read through official documents containing information classified confidential, related to the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda. These feature confidential government papers, cables and reports that have since been disclosed for the Rwandan public interest.
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Activités de Coopération Militaires Française (Noroit D'ami) Qui Etait Déployée au Rwanda (suite)
A document containing a collection of official correspondence between the Rwandan government and French, on the conduct of the French military operation activities (Noroit Dami) that was deployed in Rwanda.
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Activités de Coopération Militaires Française (Noroit D'ami) Qui Etait Déployée au Rwanda
A document containing a collection of official correspondence between the Rwandan government and French, on the conduct of the French military operation activities (Noroit Dami) that was deployed in Rwanda.
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Arrêté Ministériel Relatif au Recensement, à la Carte d'Identité et à la Résidence des Rwandais
This document includes information on Ministerial Decree. 01/03 published January 19, 1991 which includes the measures implementing the Decree Law No. 01/81 of 16 January 1981 on the identification, identity card, domicile and residence of Rwandans.
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Attentat - Menaces Sur la Sécurité des Vols du Falcon Présidentiel
An appendix combining different documents and letters in which it is emphasized among other missiles threatening the security of the falcon flights and circumstances of the attack.
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Audition du Colonel Bernard Cussac.
Minutes of the hearing before the Rwanda mission of Colonel Bernard Cussac, former defense secretary, former head of cooperation (Military Assistance Mission to Rwanda) and commander of Operation Noroît.
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Auto Défense de la Population
Minutes of a meeting held Ngarama under periodic concentrations of board members in prefectural security. This council took certain resolutions concerning the implementation of the population self-defense.
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Bilan Humanitaire d'opération Turquoise à Goma
This document contains the humanitarian assessment on activities carried out by Operation Turquoise in Goma, regarding in particular medical care given to Rwandan refugees who were entering that area in mass.
Bilan de l'Instruction du Bataillon CECODO
A report on the statement that was given to two companies of the battalion CECODO by the head of military assistance and training in Rwanda to the defense attaché of the Embassy of France in Rwanda and Chief military assistance mission.
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Commission D'Enquête Parlementaire Concernant Les Evénements Du Rwanda
Analytical report of Mr. Dismas Nsengiyaremye's hearing, the former Prime Minister of Rwanda, hearing made by the Parliamentary Board of inquiry concerning the events of Rwanda.
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Communiqué De La Direction Des Opérations Militaires Des FAR
A press release written by the Directorate of Military Operations Rwandan Forces Army, in which they explain the nature of the war they are waging.
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Communiqué Spécial N05 du Parti CDR
This is a special statement issued by the Executive Office of the CDR, warning the population and the authorities of the country, about the people they considered as accomplices and collaborators of the RPF.
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Communiqué des Parties Politiques Rwandais
This is a statement of political party gathered in Kigali on March 2, 1993 at the invitation of the contact committee of représantant of the Episcopal Conference of Rwanda and the Protestant Council of Rwanda.
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Confidentiel Défense - Situation Génerale
A confidential note addressed to the Ambassador of France Mr. Martres regarding the military situation in Rwanda in general.
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Conseil Restreint Français Sur la Situation au Rwanda 1
Minutes of the meeting chaired by the French President François Mitterrand, to decide what approach the France will use to intervene in Rwanda.
Conseil Restreint Français Sur la Situation au Rwanda 2
Minutes of the meeting at the behest of French President Francois Mitterrand, in which they decided that the intervention of France in Rwanda must be limited in time and space.
Conseil Restreint Français Sur la Situation au Rwanda 3
Minutes of the meeting chaired by the French President Francois Mitterrand, to assess the situation in Rwanda, political situation between France and Rwanda, and on the forehead between the Rwandan forces army and the RPF.
Corpses at Nyanza on Road Looking to Bugesera
This is a picture taken on the Nyanza-Bugesera road, on which we find corpses of Tutsi killed during the genocide; the picture is part of a prosecution case file.
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Correspondance entre Prof. Reyntjens et Colonel Sagatwa
This is a letter to Colonel Elie Sagatwa by Professor Filip Reyntjens, in which he suggested to him to have a secret investigation promised to the Head of State done before there is a serious international investigation.
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Courtesy Disclosure of P22
This is document concerning the courtesy disclosure of the letter from Prime Minister Dismas Nsengiyaremye, in which he was asking the minister of defence to submit to the ministry of justice the lists of individuals identified as Inkotanyi accomplices.
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Current Situation next Steps
Memo informing Secretary of Defense William Perry and Deputy Secretary of Defense John Deutch of talks between the RPF and Rwandan government under the auspices of UN Force Commander Dallaire
Death of Rwandan and Burundian Presidents in Plane Crash outside Kigali.
Memorandum from Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Prudence Bushnell communicating to the Secretary of State Warren Christopher of the assassination of Rwandan president Habyarimana and Burundian president Ntaryamira.
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Defense Anti-Aerienne du Territoire Rwandais
A letter addressed to the Minister of Defence explaining the difficulties facing the LAA batalian in fulfilling its mission due to inefficient weapon.
Demande de Rétablissement des Droits
This is a letter sent to President Habyarimana by the Officers of the group "Friends of Byumba," in which they demanded the restoration of rights to certain officers of the Rwandan Armed Forces who were incomprehensibly sidelined and other expelled.
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Discussion Paper, Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Middle East Africa Region, Department of Defense.
Discussion paper produced through an intra-agency process comprised of working level Pentagon action officers with expertise in African affairs, humanitarian and refugee affairs, public affairs, and special operations, and also officials of the Joint Staff’s Strategic Plans and Policy division.
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Downward Spiral
Summary for top State Department officials reporting the kidnapping and killing of Belgian troops serving in the UN mission, as well as the killing of Rwandan government ministers.
Draft Agreement on Cease-Fire between the FAR and the RPF
This is a draft agreement on cease-fire between the Rwanda Armed Forces (FAR) and the Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF).
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Début de l’Opération Turquoise
A document containing a collection of correspondences exchanged and newspapers issued about the beginning of “l’Opération Turquoise” which began its implementation June 1994.
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Déclaration Solennelle Signée Entre les Parties Politiques Sur la Meilleur Gestion de la Période de Transition
A document containing the declaration signed by the political party MRND, MDR, PSD and PL and RPF their behavior for the better management of the transition period. It also refers to the determination to run the Arusha peace agreement.
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Déclaration d’Omar Serushago
This is Serushago's testimony saying that he was one of the members of the Interahamwe who received military training and involved in the organization and the implementation of the genocide against the Tutsis .
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Déposition d'Alison Des Forges Dans l'Affaire Akayesu
This is a statement made by Alison Des Forges intervening before the ICTR in Akayesu trial who is accused of genocide against the Tutsi, about 20,000 weapons distributed in Rwanda before the genocide.
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Eléments d'information sur le genocide et sur les divers massacres perpétrés au Rwanda
This document contains various elements of information about the genocide and massacres in Rwanda as well as the document from the ministry of defense on the abuse assessment.
Enquete Sur L'existence Des Escadrons De La Mort Au Rwanda.
This is a letter from Tharcisse Renzaho, prefect of Kigali City, to the Attorney-General telling him that he should conduct an investigation into the existence of death squads in Rwanda.
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Etat d'Esprit des Militaires et de la Population Civile
A memorandum to the Chief of Staff of the Rwandan armed forces explaining the Rwandan political situation, the military situation and that of the civilian population, also contains comments on certain political events including the Arusha agreement.
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Etude Sur les Milices Interahamwe, Preparée Par le Major Hock
This document includes the study of the Interahamwe militia, by Major Hock from Belgian General Intelligence Service and Security.
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Ex - FAR Arms Acquisition
The document is about the arms acquisition for FAR and discussions regarding a fulfilment of a contract on a discreet military training camp in Zaire with a collaboration between the rwandan government members in exile and the Zairean authorities.
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Exploitation d'un Rapport Sur la Guerre Contre le FPR
This document contains a letter that Lt Col Anatole Nsengiyumva, head of military intelligence services, wrote to the Chief of Staff of the Rwandan armed forces; asking him to use the report on the attack made against Rwanda by Uganda and ask the powerful countries to put pressure on Museveni and Khadafi to stop their support for RPF Inkotanyi.
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FAR Communique
An evidence provided to the ICTR by Romeo Dallaire as a witness in which some FAR(Forces Armées Rwandaises) seniors signed an official document testifying their willing to meet with the RPF command to examine how to pacify the country.
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Feuille d'Audition de Thierry Tambour, Soldat Belge
Minutes of the Belgian soldier Thierry Tambour containing his testimony on what happened in Rwanda's capital, Kigali on the night of 6 until withdrawal from their working position.
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French Translation
An internal memorandum that contains the submission of french translation of indictiment against Dominique Ntawukuriryayo.
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Interview de Professeur Filip Reyntjens Dans le Cadre de Defense de General Kabiligi
This is a record of the interview with Professor Filip Reyntjens led by the lawyer Jean Yaovi DEGLI in the context of defense of General Kabiligi to whom DEGLI ensures the defense in the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda.
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