Kangura Issue 30 cover.jpg

Title: Kangura N° 30
Author: N/A
Date: unknown
Description(Kinyarwanda): Nyuma y'uko amashyaka menshi yemerewe gukorera mu Rwanda ikinyamakuru Kangura kiri muri bimwe byari bishyigikiye leta yari iriho byamamazaga amacakubiri mu banyarwanda.
Kangura N°30, haravugwamo imirongo migari ikurikira:
- Nta muhutu uzoherezwa muri kaminuza igihe Cyubahiro azaba akiyobora amashuri makuru!
- Umubikira wiyambitse ubusa!
- Abatutsi ntabwo bereje ubutegetsi bushingiye ku mashyaka menshi!
- Ibyitso noneho byemerewe gukora ku mugaragaro u Rwanda ruragana he?
- Ubugome n'ubushotoranyi bw'abatutsi bo muri PL!
Description(French): Avec l'avénement du multipartisme au Rwanda Kangura le journal pro-gouvernemental diffusait des messages divisionnistes parmi les rwandais.
Dans Kangura N°30, les grandes lignes sont les suivantes:
- Aucun hutu ne fréquentera l'université tant que Cyubahiro sera à la direction de l'enseignement supérieur.
- Une soeur qui s'est mise à nue
- La cruauté et la provocation des tutsis du parti libéral.
Description (English):When the multiparty system was introduced in Rwanda in 1991 many newspapers also have started and KANGURA was very known to be rallied on the AKAZU regime and presidential party ideology spreading the division and racism message to the population as well.
The outlines of KANGURA N°30 are the following:
- There's no hutu who shall be sent to the University as long as Cyubahiro is the the director of higher education.
- A religious sister who got herself naked.
- Tutsis are not lucky with power based on the multiparty system!
- Accomplices are now allowed to work officially, where this country goes to?
- The cruelty and provocation of Liberal Party (PL) tutsis.
Language: Kinyarwanda
Pages: 19
Number/Shelving Locator: Unknown

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