Kangura Issue 26 cover.jpg

Title: Kangura N° 26
Author: N/A
Date: 1991-11
Genre: Serials
Description(Kinyarwanda): Nyuma y'uko amashyaka menshi yemerewe gukorera mu Rwanda ikinyamakuru Kangura kiri muri bimwe byari bishyigikiye leta yari iriho byamamazaga amacakubiri mu banyarwanda.
Kangura N°26, haravugwamo imirongo migari ikurikira:
- Abatutsi bagombye kuzura Mibambwe Rutarindwa
- Ibinyamakuru by'ibyitso birabeshya ntibizagera ku ntego zabyo!
- Iyi ntambara irakiza nde?
- Noneho Gatabazi imbwa yoroye ziramucakiye,arazihungira he se?
- MDR nikomeza gukorana na PL abahutu bose bazayisigira abatutsi n'abagaragu babo!
Description(French):Avec l'avénement du multipartisme au Rwanda Kangura le journal pro-gouvernemental diffusait des messages divisionnistes parmi les rwandais.
Dans Kangura N°26, les grandes lignes sont les suivantes:
- Les Tutsis devraient rescussiter Mibambwe Rutarindwa
- Les journaux des complices mentent et n'atteindront pas leurs objectifs
- Qui est sauvé par cette guerre?
- Gatabazi tombe dans son propre piège , où va-t-il se réfugier?
- Si le MDR continue à collaborer avec le PL, les hutus le quitteront et le cederont aux tutsis et à leurs valets.
Description (English): When the multiparty system was introduced in Rwanda in 1991 many newspapers also have started and KANGURA was very known to be rallied on the AKAZU regime and presidential party ideology spreading the division and racism message to the population as well.
KANGURA N°26 has the following outlines:
- Tutsis should revive Mibambwe Rutarindwa.
- The accessories media lies they will never get on their goal.
- Gatabazi falls in his own trap, where he is going to take refuge?
- If MDR continues to collaborate with PL, hutus will leave it for tutsis and their slaves.
Language: Kinyarwanda
Number/Shelving Locator: Unknown

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